Interstellar Movie Quotes – Hollywood Movie Quotes

Interstellar Movie Quotes – Hollywood Movie Quotes

Here are the best Interstellar movie quotes presented to you by Escape Matter.

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Christopher Nolan made me love Astronomy. I never researched about space explorations, black holes, wormholes and the 4th dimension until Interstellar came out. I am happy that I watched Interstellar twice in the theatre because the visual effects used in the movie had not been highlighted so much on the PC.

There are many real stories attached with this movie, just like with every Christopher Nolan movie. Absolutely NO GREEN SCREENS WERE USED IN INTERSTELLAR. Can you imagine that? A space exploration movie in 21st century shot without the green screens. Christopher Nolan made it possible!
While selecting the dialogues from Interstellar, I told myself to pick only 10, and not more than that.

Top Interstellar Movie Quotes

1. Murphy’s Law

Cooper: Murphy’s Law doesn’t mean something bad will happen. What it means is whatever can happen… will happen.
Interstellar movie quotes

2. Have we?

Cooper: It’s like we’ve forgotten who we are, Donald. Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers.

Interstellar movie quotes

3. Our last ride will end up in the dirt

Cooper: Well, we used to look up in the sky and wonder… at our place in the starts. Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.
Interstellar movie quotes

4. I think Cooper read my point no. 3

Cooper: This world’s treasure, Donald, but it’s been telling us to leave for a while now. Mankind was born on earth, it was never meant to die here.
Interstellar movie quotes

5. Do you agree?

TARS: Absolute honesty isn’t always the most diplomatic, nor the safest form of communication with emotional begins.
Interstellar movie quotes

6. Parenting rule number 1

Cooper: When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that is that you want to make sure your children feel safe.
Interstellar movie quotes

7. Positive!

Dr. Brand: Let’s run it through some new fields.
Murphy: With respect, professor, we’ve tried that hundreds of times.
Dr. Brand: It only has to work once Murph.

Interstellar movie quotes

8. It all comes down to love

Brand: Love is one thing we are capable of perceiving… that transcends dimensions of space and time.
Interstellar movie quotes

9. Does this remind you of something from The Dark Knight Rises…? Click here and read the dialogue no. 9

Dr. Mann: At the moment of death, your mind’s gonna push a little bit harder to survive.
Interstellar movie quotes

10. Goosebumps when this scene comes in the movie

Murph: Nobody believed me, but I knew you’d come back.
Cooper: How?
Murph: because my dad promised me!
Credits Time…!
Written By: Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan
Directed By: Christopher Nolan
I hope you enjoyed reading through the best Interstellar Movie Quotes


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    […] 10. Dr. Brandt also quoted love in interstellar. Read Interstellar Movie Quotes here […]

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