Wonder Movie Quotes | Inspirational Movie Quotes | Escape Matter

Wonder Movie Quotes | Inspirational Movie Quotes | Escape Matter

Here's your list of Wonder Movie Quotes. The Humanitarian Award-winning movie stole million hearts through the illustration of the immense sincere script.

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The Humanitarian Award-winning movie stole million hearts through the illustration of the immense sincere script. The movie is the original version of R.J. Palacio novel. The Wonder explains the phenomenal and encouraging story of a child named, August Pullman (Jacob Tremblay), who suffers from some kind of hereditary abnormality at the very young age and going to attend elementary schooling for the first time.

It is true to describe quotes of Wonder movie as extremely overemotional one. The hard work of Makeup artists is truly appreciable and reliable, depicting Auggie’s face similar to the diseased one. It clearly shows the sadness and worries due to the genetic illness.

Chbosky smartly covers all the characters of the film apart from Auggie like his mother Isabel Pullman (Julia Roberts), father, Nate (Owen Wilson), first friend who betrayed him Jack Will (Noah Jupe)

The remarkable story to showcase the intensity is written by Jacob Chbosky, Steve Conrad and Jack Thorne. The best thing is the depiction of the dual character of Auggie, sad as well as inspirational one.

Wonder movie explains accurately about the journey of the child in the school and all struggles that come in his way. In the end, the high aptitude and mental ability of Auggie help him to overcome the difficult circumstances.

Here’s your list of Wonder Movie Quotes

1. When your birth decides your destiny that no one can change.

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Via: You can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.

2. When no option is left but to be kind as sometimes being honest can make you isolated for no reason.

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Mr Browne: When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.

3. As Lord Buddha once said –”the world is full of sorrows, it’s you who can let your desire below the human kindness”

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Auggie: Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. And if you really want to see what people are, all you have to do is look.

4. Sometimes it’s better to follow a reverse policy.

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Mr Tushman: Auggie can’t change how he looks. Maybe we should change how we see.

5. There is always a secret admiration which keeps you intact.

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Nate: You feel like you’re all alone here, but you’re not!

6. Fixing and revising your goal will work surely!

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If you don’t like where you are… just picture where you wanna be

7. Keep working to make it sky loving tower.

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Your deeds are your monuments

8. Helping others unintentionally will be remembered forever.

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A random act of kindness goes a long way

9. Keep moving till your destination comes.

wonder movie quotes, inspirational movie quotes, escape matter

Follow the day and reach for the sun


Click to Watch Wonder Movie on Prime Video