Impossibility Face to Face (Part 2)

Impossibility Face to Face (Part 2)

  Read first part of this write-up here Level 6 Blind Spot Excitement ends, failure in the adaptation process destroys a part of you

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Read first part of this write-up here

Level 6

Blind Spot

Excitement ends, failure in the adaptation
process destroys a part of your inner strength, nothing motivates you, not even
the novelty now. The light at the end of the tunnel diminishes. As a diver or digger,
the sunlight goes out of your reach and you head towards the blind spot i.e. downwards,
which is the only way forwards now. You had a goal at the starting (which is
still there), but now you are headed to the blind spot. You don’t know what’s
going to hit you in the face.

Level 7

Pressure Increases, Darker

Now you start feeling the pressure.
The darkness plays its game. You are left clueless. You don’t know how deep it
is, how far you need to go. It’s only you down there in open dark surrounding.
Every inch is darker and puts more pressure. Even if you hate it, the realm
altered you in its own way. You are a part of the darkness now. You don’t
remember where you have come from.

Level 8

Mind Games

The pressure intensifies, you start
hallucinating, become delusional. Now, your mind puts you in dilemma. Should
you choose to go back to your comfort zone or proceed to darkness and feel even
more pressure? Is it really worth it? What if you reach at the end and lose
yourself completely? Would this entire struggling get count? You doubt your
choices. The decision of not coming here was correct. Starting from the blind
spot till now, you discovered two things, the darkness and pressure. You forget
about what was the natal impossible task. You focus only on to cross this
stage. All the strength, excitement is consumed to stay on the path till this
far. Maybe, now is the right time and last chance to go back. Maybe, you won’t
get the second chance to go back. If you don’t go back now, maybe you never

Level 9

The Turning Point

At level 8, some decide to return.
It’s been so long for them that they haven’t found anything worth coming this
far. To not waste more time and end the suffering, it’s better to leave. Why
risk everything for something that is still unknown. But, some have nothing to
lose. They have come this far for one and one purpose only and i.e. reaching
the bed. The excitement wasn’t the reason they started this journey. The
positivity wasn’t the reason they started this journey. The comfort zone wasn’t
the reason they started this journey. So what if these are not with them now?
They cleared those levels only to reach the goal. Only one thing keeps them
continue their expedition “Move forward to reach your goal.” Nothing else
helps. You go all in. Even those who continue their journey from here don’t
know if it is the right decision or not. They simply take a leap of faith.

Level 10


The journey continues with expectation
level down to zero. The diver is tired, helpless and right when he realizes
that his life will end, but this dive won’t, he feels the touch of the mud. The
suspended smoky sand assures the presence of seabed. That’s when he got to know,
HE DID IT! He has reached this far, he definitely can go up to the surface.
Nothing can stop him now!


There’s mud, mud and mud all the
way, he is covered in the mud, tired and helpless. It’s time to test the
experience gained from the last 9 steps. The difference in the moisture level
of the mud tells that destination is near. Just few more strikes and he feels
the droplets and increasing current.
Water from the desert and sand from
the sea…?

Wasn’t that easy you see, but you did it