Superman: Man of Steel Movie Quotes

Superman: Man of Steel Movie Quotes

With Man of Steel, Zach Snyder had a lot of pressure because the last couple of superman movies weren’t good. Read on for the best superman: man of steel movie quotes.

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Finally, Superman: Man of steel Movie Quotes are here. DC’s reputation in this industry was on the line because, except the Batman, no other DC superhero made a strong hold on the Box Office. We can say that Batman alone took DC to the top, thanks to Christopher Nolan. Director Zach Snyder had really big pressure on his shoulders because the last couple of superman movies weren’t that good. Man of Steel is a well-deserving movie superman deserves. And, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is icing on the cake. First time ever, we get to see, Batman and Superman in one movie. DC fans were waiting for a Justice League Movie and thanks to Zack Snyder, the wait is over. So, before Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice hit the theaters let us round up the best Man of Steel Movie Quotes.

1. I am afraid of Mathematics!

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2. Keep increasing the milestones!

man of steel movie quotes, superman quotes

3. I find this quote so deep. Beautiful dialogue for the situation.

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4 Sums up the situation of arranged marriages!

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5. He has a point!

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6. This tells us a lot about our future generations


man of steel movie quotes, superman quotes


7. Either you become part of it or stand against it!

Superman: Man of Steel Movie Quotes

8. Sure it is!

Superman: Man of Steel Movie Quotes

9. The part Clark’s mother didn’t say completes this movie quote. “It’s only stuff, Clark. It can always be replaced. ” But people, emotions, moments, these cannot be replaced.

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10. I love when a hero returns a quote this way. Batman too did return Bane’s Quote. Probably because the men behind the writing table for both the movies are same.

man of steel movie quotes, superman quotes

Don’t forget to check Best Movie Quotes of your favorite Movies.

Movie Credits
Directed by: Zack Snyder
Story: David S. Goyer, Christopher Nolan
Screenplay: David S. Goyer
Superman Created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster