The Words Movie Quotes

The Words Movie Quotes

Here's the list of the best The Words Movie Quotes. It has some very powerful and famous movies lines or famous movie quotes you can say.

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I hope you will like this collection of best movie quotes from the movie The Words.  A very good movie with not so good ending – The Words. Those who saw the movie would agree to me on this. Young budding writers and the ones who have not done any literary professional education for being a writer would get connect with this movie smoothly. If not the qualification, then the pain you go through makes you a writer. This movie is all about that. The pain could be about personal, social, or physical. I like the story, script and it was represented to the audience. About the only thing I didn’t like in the movie is the ending. But, it’s a good, real good dedication to the writers. The background score, dialogues does take you so deep that you start to think you are reading a book and not watching a movie.

Just like inception – Dream within a Dream, The Words is a book within a book or a story within a story. It has some very powerful and famous movies lines or famous movie quotes you can say.

The Words Movie Quotes

1. Every artist hates that sound of silence!


The words movie quotes, escapematter

2. Well Said Rory!


The words movie quotes, escapematter

3. What a comparison!

The words movie quotes, escapematter

4. But who we are to question fate!

The words movie quotes, escapematter

5. You can build the future!


6. That’s my favorite Movie Quote from The Words

The words movie quotes, escapematter

7. I put that as my Facebook status right when I heard that line


The words movie quotes, escapematter

8. Fiction does touch real life and reality!


The words movie quotes, escapematter

9. Life Happened! Could happen to anyone!


10. The Power of Books! They take you somewhere else!

The words movie quotes, escapematter

Movie Credits

Directors: Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal
Writers: Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal
Let us know your favorite one from The Words Movie Quotes.


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